A few days ago

Need help with a hypothesis……..?

The issue is Gasoline Prices and Driving Behavior.

Would a good hypothesis be

I think the rising gas prices will make people drive less and buy hybrids as well as carpool. Also the driving behavior will get worse because of new technology with texting and cellphone usage.

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

The two statements in your hypothesis are unrelated at best and contradictory at worst. Your first statement is adequate as an hypothesis. It has to do with consumption and nothing to do with safety. Your second statement has to do with safety and nothing to do with gas prices. So, of the two statements, the only one pertaining to price and behavior is the first.

A few days ago
You have two topics: (1) driving vs cost of gasoline, and (2) driving behavior due to cell phones.

Pick one or the other. Don’t try to mix them into the same hypothesis.


A few days ago
“Also the driving behavior will get worse because of new technology with texting and cellphone usage.” This is irrelevant to gaslone prices. I would omit that part.

A few days ago
I agree with yours.

And the driving behavior are bad because some people listen to the radio, and sometimes it distracts them, or when the parents are like driving their kids, because the kids fights and talks and stuff

lol. Okay and Yeah the gas prices are getting higher :-/

im not good with putting it in a sentence, so yeah thats the info lol sorry :[

and by the way, if you have time, can you please try to help me answer my question?




A few days ago
I think the rising gas prices will make rich people want it to them slef abuse poor people rights and cause they dont wanna problems in theirown countries, image you know, theill take it with others third world countries, make people suffer and then thee ONG after all that happen come and say “humans rights” ust like that… only that way people will buy hybrids, oh! but yeah they will also be expensive.

A few days ago
The first sentence is good but the second sentence could be tweaked a little and adding “multitasking like ….”

hope that helps


A few days ago
a good hypothesis needs an answer, a reason for that answer and an experiance that supports you’re answer