A few days ago

My thesis defense is looming. Any suggestions to not look like an idiot?

My thesis defense is looming. Any suggestions to not look like an idiot?

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Take shots at it as though YOU were trying to make YOU look like “an idiot.” Then, organize your defense accordingly. Also, get your friends to do the same. Know your material backwards, forwards and inside out.

Don’t be afraid to ask for clarification or examples; the more you draw out your questioner, the more you’ll find some “hook” that alows you to give an answer.

Fianlly, don’t be afraid to say “I don’t know” if that’s the intellectually honest answer. It will get you more points than trying to BS your wau through and the questioner may produce his/her own ideas to help you. They are as interested in your mental agility as they are in your command of the subject itself.

That’s all there is.

You’ll be fine.


A few days ago
Yes. Under NO circumstances fake your way through something. If someone asks you a question pertaining to that which he/she feels may have not been adequately covered or was omitted, it is highly possible that he/she knows the source to which you “should” have gone. If you try to muddle through, you could very easily be caught off guard or feel foolish. Make sure you have kept up on any new information related to your thesis topic that may have emerged since you submitted your thesis, as well. Some one may try to trip you up on recent developments in the field. And, of course, be prepared to defend against any possible opposition. These questions are often loaded in ways such as: “While I am aware that you considered X’s opinion on _______, do you feel that you entirely eliminated the need for X’s theory on YZ? It seems to me as though it may have some place in scholarship in spite of your claims to the contrary.” Be confident. When this is over you are an expert in your field. Next time, you get to ask the questions! Good luck.

A few days ago
Good luck! My thesis defense was worse than the Spanish Inquisition. I would suggest reviewing the basics – terms that you might have learned in theory or research methods classes that you took long ago. I was so nervous I tripped over a basic question about independent and dependent variables. Not good! But, I made it through. It’s a rite of passage. I’m sure you’ll do great!

A few days ago
Styles vary from university to university – even department to department! Some general tips are: Practice with students in your department, especially those who have recently defended and/or are in your area of study. (Food is a good way to bribe people to help. πŸ˜€ ) Remember that you are the expert on your research. The first time I realized this, I was blown away. One day, I was talking to my advisor, and realized that he didn’t know what process I was talking about. It was something small, but it made me realize that while he may know more about the field in general, my research was mine. Remember that professors are people too. Keep their personalities in mind. If someone is aggressive at your defense, maybe they are always aggressive. Or maybe they had a bad defense and they want to make you have a bad experience, too. (Sadly this does happen in some places.) When putting together your presentation, try to guide the audience to certain questions, and make sure you can answer those questions well. If someone asks you something you don’t know, don’t simply say “I don’t know.” or make something up. Say “That’s a really good question. It’s an area of this research that has not been explored yet. But I think that it might contribute blah blah blah” or “I’m glad you asked that. I haven’t considered that parameter in detail, but I see how that would help me to isolate blah blah blah.” or simply “I hadn’t thought of it that way, but that is an interesting perspective. I will have to consider that as I continue my research.” Or, if you don’t know, admitt that, but postulate an answer based on what you do know. Let them see your thinking process. Obviously, you don’t want to answer all questions this way, but it’s useful if you get a question you can’t answer – and you will. πŸ™‚ Good luck!!!