A few days ago

multiplying fractions?

1/4 x 1/2=

3/4 x 8/9=

15 x 2/3=

2 1/3 x 3 1/2=

4 2/5 x 3=

5 5/6 x 2 4/5=

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago
Becky M

Favorite Answer

1/4 x 1/2 = 1/8

3/4 x 8/9 = 2/3

15 x 2/3 = 10

7/3 * 7/2 = 49/6

22/5 * 3 = 66/5

35/6 * 14/5 = 49/3


A few days ago
S. B.
Try to reduce the fractions, first, then multiply the numerators & multiply the denominators.

(a/b) x (c/d) = (ac)/(bd), where b & d are not zero.

I’ll do one involving cancellation.

3/4 x 8/9= 1/1 x 2/3 = 2/3

15 x 2/3= = 15/1 x 2/3 = 5/1 x 2/1 = 10/1 = 10.


A few days ago
it’s easy… just multiply the numerators then the denominators…

like 2/4 * 3/5

1. multiply the numerators

2*3 = 6

2. multiply the denominator

4*5 = 20

3. then use 6 as numerator and 20 as denominator


4. now simplify

6/20= 3/10

if there’s a mixed fraction, just convert it into an improper fraction

2 3/4 = (2*4) +3 = 11/4

if there’s a whole number just use it as numerator with 1 as denominator

5= 5/1

pls do ur own assignment… because you will not learn if others do your assignment…