A few days ago
Donovan G

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I’m so confused. We are to write an essay classifying what we find in a pantry or refrigerator and how it reflects on culture of the people living there. I have no idea how to start.

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Think about the foods in your fridges (or what might be there). Is anything unusual? What mightnot be found in the fridge of someone from another country or ethnic group? If your family is generic American, you may not realize how many foods are unique to your culture. Things like ketchup and peanut butter are rarely found outside the US. The US has far more convenience foods. What’s in the freezer? Any TV dinners? That’s a uniquely American concept. Are there individual portions of things, or prewrapped snack foods? We’re the only country where people are too busy to sit down and eat. What are your family’s dietary habits? Do you eat a lot of meat? That’s very American, especially big chunks of meat like steaks or hamburgers. People in China eat Chinese food, people in Mexico eat Mexican food, and people in Italy eat Italian food, but many American fridges contain all three. It reflects our melting-pot culture.

Hope this gives you some ideas. Have fun!


A few days ago
You did better asking your question this time. Good for you!

Your added info, re the reflection on the culture of the people living where these things are stored is a whole different thing. You could do the contents with an outline, but it would be very difficult to evaluate someone’s cultural values through that medium. A VERY BRIEF essay to sum up what the commonalities as well as the differences these items reveal of one’s life could be easily accomplished without great difficulty. Just think it through–you will understand.


A few days ago
Classify the types of food and then when you have them grouped it might be easier to draw some conclusions. If you are doing your own frig or pantry – does it reflect your cultural heritage? Are there food items that relate to your ancestry – possibly from both sides of your family – is one represented more strongly than another? Or, is the food reflected of the general likes of your culture – such as American culture? Therefore, are you what you eat because of what Americans generally eat as a culture?

A few days ago
The first thing you need to do is pick the categories of classification. For example, you could classify the items into the following three categories: condiments, side dishes, and drinks. Or you could choose other classifications.

The directions ask you to first classify and then reflect, so after you have classified, you can then ask yourself how does this particular classification (or the food in this particular classification) relate to my culture.

Hope this helps!