A few days ago
mean. mode. median

mean… median. mode?

what are the mean mdeian and mode, and what is the method to getting the answer? thanks very much <3

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Mean- average

median- middle number

mode- most common # that appeared in the data shown



3,6,3,4 -Mean can be found by adding all the numbers together which will equal 16.

Divide 16 by the quantity of numbers, which is 4.. 16/4=4



Order the numbers from least to greatest.


Since 3 and 4 is in the middle you would have to add the middle numbers ‘4 and 3’ together and divide it by 2.

The median is 3.5



The most common number is 3!!

EASY as 1-2-3!! Yeah!


A few days ago
Mean: average… add together all the numbers you have then take that answer and divide by the total numbers available. For example, say you have the following: 4, 2, 3, 7, 8

4+2+3+7+8 = 24/6 = 4

Median: the number that’s right in the middle of a string of numbers. So, say you have 1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11. 8 will be the median. If the middle lands between two numbers, then take their average.

Mode: the number that appears in the highest frequency in a string of numbers. For example, 1, 3, 6, 7, 3, 3, 7, 9, 6, 5, 4, 3, 3. 3 would be the mode since it appears the most. You can have more than one mode.


A few days ago
Mean: Average. Take all the numbers, add them together and divide by how many numbers are present. (e.g.: 10, 3, 4, 3 ~10+3+4+3=20/4=5)

Median:The middle. Line up the numbers from least to greastest and mark off the highest number then the lowest, highest, then the lowest until you get to the middle number and cant cross out anymore. If there are two middle numbers, average them together (add together divide by two). (e.g.: 2, 9, 4, 3, 6 ~Median is 4; 4, 2, 3, 5 median is 2.5)

Mode: the most. You have to find the number that occurs the most. (Easiest to do if the numbers are in order least to greatest) (e.g.: 2, 4, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9 Mode is 9)


A few days ago
The mean is like the average. You take all the numbers & add them together. Then, you divide that number by how many numbers there were in the first place.

For Example:

4,7,4,9,2,6,8,0,4 (all these numbers added together equal 44.)

Then, 44 divided by 9 (because there are nine numbers) gives you 4.88 (So, 4.88 is the mean.)

The median is easy too. You put all the numbers in order and find the number directly in the middle. (If there are two numbers directly in the middle, pretend it was 4 & 6, the median would be 5. Even if 5 isn’t one of the numbers, it would be directly in the middle if it was. If the two middle numbers are decimals, like 6.92 & 7.21 add those two numbers together, which would give you 14.13 and divide by two, which would make your answer 7.065.)

0,2,4,4,4,6,7,8,9 ( the median is 4, because 4 is directly in the middle.)

The mode is the number that occurs the most.

0,2,4,4,4,6,7,8,9 (The number 4 appears more than any other number, so it is the mode.)

So, 4.88 is the mean, 4 is the median, and 4 is the Mode.

Good Luck in School!


A few days ago
Kevin L
Let’s take a group of numbers, we’ll say

1 2 2 3 4 6 7 8 8 8 9

Mean is the average of those numbers. So you add them all together and divide it by how many numbers you have. So in this case the mean is 58/10 or 5.8

Median is the number in the exact middle of the set, in this case it is 6.

Mode is the number that occurs most often in the set. The number 8 occurs three times, so 8 is the the mode of this set.


A few days ago

Add up all numbers and divide by how many there are.


List all number from low to high in order. The one in the middle is your median. If there are two numbers in the middle, add them up and divide by two.

mode=most common.

Which number is there more of? That is your mode.


A few days ago
mean- average, add all the numbers together and divide by the amount of number there are……3 people average= 3+3+3=12 divided by 3= 4 (average

median= the number in the middle when you put all the numbers from least to greatest…..1,2,3,4,5= 3. if there are two numbers in the middle you get the average

mode= the number that appears the most.


A few days ago
mean is the average of the numbers added divided by how many there are

median: arrange all the numbers in order, pick out one that stands in the middle, sometimes there may be two middle numbers in that case you add the two and divide by the two numbers: equals median

mode is the repeating number, sometimes depending on how many numbers you see more or less than once, there may not even be a mode


A few days ago
Mean is the average of a set of numbers.

You add them up and devide by the number of numbers.

So if you had:

4,4, and 5

You would add them up, which is 13, and devide 13 by three.

median, is the middle number in a set of numbers (as long as they are in numerical order).

If you had


the median would be right in the middle.

It would be 5.

The mode, is the most common number.

If you had 1,2,3,3,4,5,6,6,6.

The mode would be 6…because it shows up the most.


A few days ago
mean is the average of all the numbers. to find the average you add all the numbers together and divide by the number of numbers. meadian is the number in the middle, and mode is the number most used.