A few days ago

Math Question?

Gregory planted a lemon tree in his back yard. When he planted the tree it was 2 feet tall. He noticed that it has been growing 3 inches every week.

A. Create multiple represtations (x,y table, graph, equation) to represent the relationship between the days that have passed and the height of the tree.

B. If the tree continues growing at this rate, when will it be 6 feet tall? How can you see this in each of the represtations?

C. State the domain and range of the graph.

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I accidentally solved this in days not in weeks so wherever you see days just convert to weeks. Do not multiply all the answer by 7 though.

a) Too graph this equation you would first need to form an equation in either slope intercept, standard, or point slope form. If the y-axis represents the height of the tree and the x-axis represents the time passed then the equation would be y = 3x + 2. So on day 0 if you plug in 0 for the time (x) then y would be 2. So that fits since on the first day it was 2 feet tall. As for the graph keep on plugging values into the equation (y = 3x+2). Start at 0 as your first pluggin then go to 1 then to 2 then 3 and so on until you think the graph looks sufficient. The first four points would be (0,2) , (1,5) , (2,8) , (3,11)

b) Just substitue the value 6 in the equation above for y since y is height and x is time.

6 = 3x + 2 3x = 4 x = 4/3 or 1 day and a third

c) The domain is the input day 0 would be the first part of the domain and there is infinite time or until the tree dies, but in math we say infinite. domain is 0 as lower and infinite as higher. Range would be be from 2 to infinte since on day 0 the tree is 2 feet tall and going in infinite time you would have infinite height.


A few days ago
A. the equation is y = 3x + 14 , y being the height and x being the number of days. Just plug values in to make a table and then graph it.

B. To do this, just put 72 (six feet converted into inches) as y in the equation. So, 72 = 3x + 14 . Then solve.

C. The domain is all possible x values and the range is all possible y values. Since what you are measuring is time and height, there will be no negative values. You write the domain as (minimum amount of time) < x < (maximum amount of time) , and the range similarly, but with height.


A few days ago
1-^-8+2134%>9=65 What next ?

A few days ago
b.12 weeks is the answer for b