A few days ago

Math Project Help?

I have a math project so I have to list 20 mathimatical times in history when things happened.

EX. Egyptians invent Algebra.

Something correlating to math.

Can anyone give me info and dates on when something happened mathimatically?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago
Matthew B

Favorite Answer

Crystallography: Bieberbach’s Symmetry Groups (1910);

2. Tensor Calculus: Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity (1915);

3. Game Theory: von Neumann’s Minimax Theorem (1928);

4. Functional Analysis: von Neumann’s Axiomatization of Quantum

mechanics (1932);

5. Probability Theory: Kolmogorov’s Axiomatization (1933);

6. Optimization Theory: Danzig’s Simplex Method (1947);

7. General Equilibrium Theory: The Arrow-Debreu Existence

Theorem (1954);

8. The Theory of Formal Languages: Chomsky’s Classification


9. Dynamical Systems Theory: The KAM Theorem (1962);

10. Knot Theory: Jones Invariants (1984)

1. The Theory of Algorithms: Turing’s Characterization (1936);

2. Artificial Intelligence: Shannon’s Analysis of the

Game of Chess (1950);

3. Chaos Theory: Lorenz’s Strange Attractor (1963);

4. Computer Assisted Proofs: The Four-Color Theorem of Appel and

Haken (1976);

5. Fractals: The Mandelbrot Set (1980).


A few days ago
In your search bar type, Timeline for mathematics,1850-2004 and you will get a lot of them. at the bottom of the page, you have to keep clicking for the next page.

A few days ago
It would be a pain for me to copy it down here.. Just click!