A few days ago

math homewok help?

“the graph of an inequality in one variables is the set of points on a number line that represents all solutions of the ineqaulity. If the endpoint on the graph is a solution, draw a solid dot. If ii is not a solution, draw an open dot. Draw an arrowhead to show that the graph continues on indefinitely” thats what my book says. if anyone understands that can someone please show me how to graph this?


i dont know how to graph it on a numberline with like the dot and the arrowhead?

PLEASE EXPLAIN? and could you explain and give me the answer. please?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

That would be x > 5. You add 3 to both sides of the inequality, just as you would with an equation. The only difference between equations and inequalities in this regard is that, with an inequality, if you multiply or divide by a negative, you have to reverse the direction of the inequality.

To graph this, you’d put an open dot at 5 and shade everything to the right – all of the numbers greater than 5. The open dot means you’re not including 5 in the solution set.

If the solution were

x >= 5

then you’d use a closed dot, because 5 IS a part of that solution set.


4 years ago
ok, so there’s a sq. backyard with a community of 200 sq. meters. meaning that the two facets is approximately 14 meters by way of fact the sq. root of 200 is approximately 14.142… so, think of a sq. with facets 14 meters. now draw the diagonal. the left and backside facets of the sq. are the LEGS. the diagonal is the HYPOTENUSE. employing the pythagorean theorem [a^2 + b^2 = c^2 or leg squared + leg squared = hypotenuse squared], you get 14^2 + 14^2 = c^2 then, 392 = c^2 and you sq. root the two facets to get c. c = approximately 20 meters so, the hypotenuse is approximately 20 meters. good success! =]

A few days ago

well x has to be greater than 5 for that to be true

x-3+3> 2+3

