A few days ago

macbeth essay – the witches?

I am trying to write a paragraph stating that the witches are the real vilians in Macbeth, and I need two points to prove that this is true. SO far I have only got one: the witches told macbeth of the prophecy and planted teh evil seed.. so to say. can anyone think of anymore? please?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

i think your point is the basic reason why the witches can be considered the villains… they instigated macbeth’s sudden ambition… in a way, they provided the window of opportunity and it was up to macbeth whether he’d take it or not.. in an alternate universe where the witches didn’t let it sip that macbeth would become king, macbeth may not ahve commit murder and his other atrocious crimes to gain the throne

5 years ago
I think ‘The Witches’ is enough.But when it comes to their nature,I consider using weird or wicked as better. Because throughout the book, the witches are trying to plant seeds of wicked ambition in Macbeth’s superstitious mind.

A few days ago
they were the ones who triggered his ambition.