A few days ago

Lord of the Flies Theme statement help?

Okay, well my theme statement is:

Mankind naturally expects what they know, and when thinking philosophically it allows one to expect any possibility.

i need help supporting this statement using text from the book.

the only one i could think of was when they started to wonder what the beast really was…..

can anyone think of any others?

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Nope. You’re way off.

The Lord of the Flies is written for innate human nature. Humans are naturally evil.

It’s also a kind of “mini society” thing that examines society at a smaller scale.

Look at how everthing decays, the Lord of the Flies himself, the relationships between certain people, the decisions that they make, everything will convey this message.

Everything, and I do mean everything, is a symbol for something important. From the jungle, to the individual characters, to Piggy’s glasses. It takes an awful lot of thinking to get everything straight, but once you’ve done it, everything makes so much sense. It all fits together perfectly.