A few days ago
jennifer l

Law project… creative minds wanted!?

I have to do a project on judges (career itself, education and skill requirements) etc on a bristol board/ poster. So i was wondering what can i do to make it very creative? like presentation wise or whatever.

Open to any ideas 🙂 thanks

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

how about using visuals ( cg pix/photos/sketches ) of the stages of a person’s life with accompanying text that shows the decision/education/skills acquired to be a judge

a few ideas:

the baby/toddler could be described or shown as being kind to a friend or sibling

a teen could be shown/described as enjoying whatever subjects are pertinent to the study of law

etc etc


A few days ago
Someone u dont know
In terms of literal visual representation of the project, I think perhaps shaping the poster board into a podium and a mallet would be quite nice. Or perhaps have the judge overlooking a jury you drew or created, and have them have speech bubbles presenting information.

A few days ago
embroidery fan
Interview 4-5 judges: basic questions: how decided to get into the field, likes & dislikes of the job, schools attended, & put their pictures up on the board. Get different genders & ethnicities so it will look nice!

4 years ago
you may make a gold version of the ‘Scales of Jusitce’ … judges are no longer all approximately putting people in reformatory, they’re striving to maintain a merely society. The reformatory bars would deliver the incorrect message. you additionally can do a three-D image of the in the courtroom room. From the attitude of finding on the back of everyones head … different than the choose interior the middle of the back of the board, sitting with gavel raised. For the back of peoples heads you should decrease out pictures of peopes hair from magazines and shape it whichever way you like. make all of them sitting interior the pew benches. Then the prosecuter and the protection lawyer must be arguing…. because of the fact the customer sits quietly gazing for judgement…….. and the jury sitting quietly attempting to hearken to the case.