A few days ago

Is this an example of deductive reasoning?

All sharks are fish. All fish have tails. Therefore all sharks have tails.

Top 9 Answers
A few days ago
Pete K

Favorite Answer

Well, yes. That’s what could be called “deductive reasoning.”

However, it’s incorrect: sharks are not fish–they are mammals.

All birds have claws, and so do all lizards. But that doesn’t

mean that lizards are birds.

All apes have noses, and so do all humans. But that

doesn’t mean that all humans are apes. (Only humans

who are big and stupid are apes!)


A few days ago

Deductive reasoning is the kind of reasoning where the conclusion is necessitated by previously known premises. If the premises are true then the conclusion must be true. For instance, beginning with the premises “sharks are fish” and “all fish have fins”, you may conclude that “sharks have fins”. This is distinguished from inductive reasoning and abductive reasoning where inferences can be made with some likelihood but never with complete certainty.

Deductive reasoning is dependent on its premises. That is, a false premise can possibly lead to a false result, and inconclusive premises will also yield an inconclusive conclusion.


A few days ago
Cogito Ergo Sum
I think it’s a fine, simple, easily understood example of deductive reasoning. Moreover, all of the words except for one used in the example. which consists of three, short declarative sentences, are words of one syllable, the clearest, most concise means of communication. Congratulations.

Contrast it with the famous example of the logical fallacy, “post hoc, ergo propter hoc,” or “after this, therefore because of this.” A moment’s reflection on any syllogism that proceeds from the premise that B followed A in time to the conclusion that therefore B must have been caused by A makes its absurdity self-evident.


A few days ago
but not all fish r shark, and not all have tails, so just use logic

A few days ago
loan sharks have forked tongues and 2 tails

A few days ago
ella j
Yes definitely!!But never say all fishes are sharks!!!

A few days ago

A few days ago

A few days ago
Yes, that’s perfect. Its sort of like if A=B and B=C then A=C.