A few days ago

Is my use of a semicolon correct in this sentence?

There are two ways to organize

a compare and contrast essay; Point-by Point, or Block.

If not, how should I word it so it would be correct? This is for a college English class, so I want the grammar perfect. Thanks!

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

There are two ways to organize a compare and contrast essay: point by point or block.

Add a colon, remove the dash after point, remove the comma after point by point, and turn the letters to lower case on point by point and block.


A few days ago
You should use a colon (:) instead of a semicolon (;). Semicolons separate two independent clauses or sentences. Colons are used to start a list or to specify a certain sentence with another phrase.

Ex. There are two ways to organize a compare and contrast essay; two methods are point-by-point and block.

Ex. There are two ways to organize a compare and contrast essay: point-by-point and block.


A few days ago
Dept. of Redundancy Department
clare b is correct, because a semicolon is a ‘break’ or ‘stopping’ of a thought or idea in a sentence, separating it from what follows next, whereas a colon highlights what follows after it; that would make the sentence now read:

“There are two ways to organize a compare-and-contrast essay: point-by-point or block.”

(Notice the other punctuation and spelling changes that I made.)


A few days ago
There are two ways to organize, compare or contrast essays: Point-by Point, or Block.

A few days ago
i’d just use a colon…