A few days ago

in 1519, this Spanish explorer arrived at Tenochtitlan?

in 1519, this Spanish explorer arrived at Tenochtitlan, capital of the Aztec empire, Within two years, he had defeated the Aztecs and established Spanish rule in Mexico who was this conquitador?

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Hernan Cortez?



5 years ago
1. 1,000 BC. The civilization peaked around 900 Ad but there are still millions of Maya alive so it can’t be considered “over”. 2. A cigar smoking dude from Cuba. 3. A song by a guy who got killed in a plane crash. 4. A party on Fat Tuesday. 5. Chocolate and tequila 6. On an island. No, since people already lived there. 7. A meteorological phenomenon causing freak weather. 8. It’s very hot and steamy and the whole country only has 3 stoplights. (My avatar pic was taken there.) 9. Americans, a while ago. 10. Not as much as it used to be. 11. Trees make oxygen and eat carbon dioxide. Undiscovered plants and animals live there which could have medicinal value. 12. The volcano region from Japan to California and around the south Pacific 13. Coffee beans 14. Santo Domingo 15. More than five. 16. Probably those mountains where they find frozen sacrificed mummy children. 17. High enough to have perma-frost. 18. It’s underneath Mexico City now as rubble but once upon a time it was the Aztec capital city, an island in a large lake.

A few days ago
Hernan Cortez.

A few days ago
That would be Hernán Cortés.
