A few days ago

I really need help with this essay?

Ok, it is about 500 words and i have to discuss and explain St. Exupery’s feelings about adults as expressed in The Little Prince. This is for Honors English class and due tomorrow! Please help me. Thank you sooo much!!!! ._.

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

It’s always good to wait until the last minute to do your homework, right? (Especially when you need to do a bit of research or actually read Le Petit Prince, n’est pas?) On the presumption that you have read the story, ask yourself, how does the prince view the aviator? I.e., what types of questions does he ask of the aviator, and how does the aviator respond? How does the prince react to the aviator’s reactions?(Ex., “dessinez moi un elephante” (what does the elephant drawn by the prince look like?)), etc… Think about concepts like “authority”, “innocence”, “experience”, “point of view”, and perhaps add in a bit of your perspective on adults as a minor.