A few days ago
Daniel R

i really dont know how to do this our stupid math teacher does our notes too fast?

x+5/2+x-1/2=x-1/3 please help dont want to get it wrong

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I agree with the other person about asking your teacher questions during class, or asking him or her to slow down a bit.

In any case:

I would start by finding the common denominator for the fractions in the problem, this way you can add and subtract them (legally). I would hope that you can see that “6” is the common factor among 3 and 2. Doing this turns your equation into: x + 15/6 + x – 3/6 = x – 2/6.

Next, I would rearrange the problem to get “x” on one side of the equal sign, all by itself. Doing so gives you:

x=-14/6 or simplified = -7/3

If improper fractions are not desired, this answer can be converted to a mixed number of : -2 1/3 or a decimal: -2.33


A few days ago
My specialty is asking for help, because math is a challenge for me, too.

Next time the math teacher is going too fast for you, raise your hand, or just call out, “Slow down, I don’t understand.” Make friends with whomever is getting the best grades in your math class and ask that individual to help you to understand. You will flunk this class for sure if you go through having other people do your work for you. The reason the teacher assigns this crap for you to do at home and turn in is so s/he can find out who’s got it and who needs help. So turn it in with a note that says, ” I don’t understand how to do this.” Your grade will not be good on this assignment, but you’ll do a lot better on the final than you would if someone did your work for you. Best wishes, from one hopeless mathless person to another.


A few days ago
First simplify:

2x + 5/2 – 1/2 = x – 1/3

2x + 4/2 = x – 1/3

x + 2 = – 1/3

x = – 1/3 – 2

x = -2 1/3


A few days ago
combine like terms

First combine the X, and the fractions to get

2x + 2= x – 1/3

^ ^^

(x+x=2x) & ^–[ 5/2 – 1/2=2 ]

so you have to get the variable by itself

so subtract 2 from both sides to get

2x=x- 7/3

now subtract the x from both sides and get

x= – 7/3


A few days ago
You should probably ask your math teacher to slow down or go in for extra help after school.

Doing this problem is just like solving for x when you are using whole numbers, you just have to put the fractions into your calculator and it subtracts them for you. Unless you aren’t allowed to use a calculator… than you are on your own.


A few days ago
dats p






x=2 1/3