A few days ago
king reby

I read “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” and “Rebecca,” now I need to write my own essay question

For summer reading, I was given a long list of books to choose from and was instructed to choose two, read them, and then answer one of four essay questions. The problem is, after reading the two books I chose (The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Rebecca), I realize that the two stories are difficult to compare and contrast because theyr’re so dissimilar in theme. The first two questions are compare/contrast, the second question asks me to explain how the books influenced my understanding of social/ethical/philisophical conflicts and resolutions. My only remaining option is the fourth prompt on the list: make up my own question and answer it. But what question? If you’ve read these books (or even skimmed them on SparkNotes), please help me come up with something! A quick 10 points to the question I use for my essay…or if you help me get an idea of something to write for the third prompt. (I need to finish this in two hours!)

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Hmm…this might possibly be a stretch because I’m only somewhat familiar with The Hunchback and a bit more familiar with Rebecca , but here goes….

How about a comparison dealing with the idea/theme of being rejected (perceived or real) from the society in which you live (possibly based on physical appearance)?

The example with Quasimodo is a bit more obvious—his physical deformities and those who want to keep him “locked” away from the world. In Rebecca, the narrator in her new role as “mistress of Manderley” is very often received coldly by Mrs. Danvers who’d rather the new Mrs. De Winter “disappear” (of her own accord or even through questionable circumstances). The narrator struggles with feeling she doesn’t fit into this “mold” of what a high class maven is supposed to be—and she is given frequent and often cruel reminders by Mrs. Danvers of how beautiful and elegant her predecessor, Rebecca De Winter, was.

Ahhh…..brings up another idea……possibly a comparison dealing with internal vs. external beauty (The first Mrs. De Winter, Rebecca, from what I recall, while physically beautiful, really was a adulteress; Quasimodo, while physically deformed, has a good heart).

Best Wishes


5 years ago
try to check if there’s any essays available for you book on the following sites :

A few days ago
Harmy Tangent
How about something concerning literary techniques? Use of point of view, etc.