A few days ago

i need to find a current spanish Tv schedule and…? easy 10 pts?

For my spanish project that i had over the summer i need to find a current spanish Tv schedule that i can print out so if you guys could give me some sites with that.

I also need to find video about current spanish news so i can answer some questions about it. Can you guys give me links to videos about current spanish news, that would be helpful.

10 points for anyone who gives me good sites for both of these

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer


Videos, programation and others:


You tube links:


In the last link, ALL of the videos are from spanish news, so you can choose any of them.

Good luck! 😉


4 years ago
it fairly is magnificent, yet have you ever taken regular calculus in the previous multivariate? i did not take Calculus III until eventually ultimately i grow to be top into college, after linear algebra and in the previous differential equations. reckoning on the character of the direction, it fairly is extremely stressful mutually as you’re going over theoretical line mandatory theory and proofs of eco-friendly/stoke’s theorems. that isn’t many cases taught at a extreme college. With that form of math historic previous you’re able to prefer to prob take Physics C. AP Euro is a ton of memorization, so be arranged for that. each factor else could desire to prefer to be not too undesirable.

A few days ago

Do a web search on spanish news