A few days ago

I need help writing an eqaution?

The length of a recangle is 3 in. more than width. The perimeter of the rectangle is 30 in.

a. Define a variable for the width.

c. Write an equation to find the width of the rectangle.

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
EMiLY ♥’s the Cubs

Favorite Answer

Well, I know the width is 13.5 and the length is 16.5 so see if that helps a little more with writing the equation

A few days ago
What’s part b?

Call the width anything — let’s use x.

The perimeter is length + width + length + width. The width is x and the length is x+3, so 30 = 2x + 2(x+3). Do the multiplication and addition and get x alone on one side of the equation. That’s your formula for finding the width.