A few days ago

I need help with my history homework?

I need help with my history homework!

The Veitnam War is the longest war in U.S (or colonial) history. The second-longest happened before 1850. what is it?

a. French and Indian War

b. War of 1812

c. Mexican-American War

d. American Revolution

e. Hundred Years’ War

Please help and thankyou!

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago
Al L

Favorite Answer

First of all always use your spell check. It’s Vietnam

Second the answer “D”


A few days ago
Ok you need to explain your question a but more. The Colonies were when they were controled by the British which was before the United States. The hundred Years War did not involve the United States. The French&indian war lasted 9 years. the american revolution lasted 8. War of 1812 lasted 3 years. Mexican american war last 2 years. And the Hundred Years’ war lasted 116 years but it did not involve the US. The only ones that occured during the colonial times were a/d

A few days ago
A was nine years long

B was three years long

C was two years long

D was twelve years long

E was one-hundred and sixteen years long

I think e would be the answer!