A few days ago

i need help with my college essay on distance learning?

my assiment is to wright a post on a conversation with a friend on distance learning and make it 200 words but i cant get it started it just wont flow

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago
Soopa Man

Favorite Answer

lol…….sorry but it l§§k’s like you got a problem on your hand…. =Þ

A few days ago
Are you supposed to make this look like a spoken conversation or a description of the conversation? You could start it off with something like “My friend and I were watching a television commercial about a leading university and the topic started quite the conversation. I am all for it but he just doesn’t understand. I feel that the advantages of distance learning are…”

Go on from there. 200 words should flow pretty easily if you don’t think of it as a big deal. Since you’re writing (and make sure you spell it right) about a conversation, just write (or type) whatever comes to mind. Then read over it, spell check and see what you’ve come up with. Always remember to think of the reader’s senses. Add smell, touch, hearing, and so on. Using descriptive words that show these will always make a great paper.


A few days ago
Do you enjoy a distance learning class? If you do enjoy them start off with telling the person that you enjoy it and why you enjoy it. 200 words isn’t very long. You should be able to pop that out with no problems. If you don’t enjoy it, same thing – just say what you don’t like about distance education classes. If it was me I would write how I don’t like them because it’s easier to slack off when you don’t have to show up at any specific time!!

A few days ago
loy c
to improve and to learn everything on a distnace learning you must have a communication not just communication also understanding can be the factor to achieve and learn. for these factors can be so imprtant in learning between a distance learning. otherwise it could be difficult to have this kind of learning for you are to far from each other so in order to do these you can have a chance to talk and communicate and listen for you understand what you been talkling like what college essay thus in this subject you must improve your imagination and understanding the questions even if it is distnace nothing can stop you learning and understanding these obstacles if you just want to improve your essays and learning..

A few days ago
If you are having a prblem with this essay – how are you going to handle writing 4-5 page papers every week? Thats what distance ed is- read, research, and write!