A few days ago

I need help thinking of ideas for an essay about a significant event in my life?

Even though you all don’t know me or anything that makes up who I am, I still think that it would help if you could give me a couple ideas. Maybe something that happened to you or broad events that could happen to anyone and I’m just not thinking hard enough to remember.

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

A significant event in your life?

Write about going to the abortion mill because Mick Jagger knocked you up, and the doctors there telling you that they discovered cancer, and you have 30 seconds to live. 29. 28. 27…

Or if that’s never happened to you, tell about surviving toilet training.


A few days ago
Think about events in your own life such as

The first birthday party that you remember.

Did you ever travel anyplace?

How did you feel when a your sibling was born?

Do your remember moving?

Did you ever get a gift that you really enjoyed or wanted?

Do you remember your first date?

How was your first day of school?

Did you have a confirmation?

Did you ever loose a relative or a close friend?

Look through a picture album that you may have. Does that bring back some memories?

Did you or anyone in your family suffer a serious illness?

Did you ever fail a subject?

Do you remember how you learned to ride a bicycle?

Do you remember loosing your baby teeth?


A few days ago
You could go with a birth, death, marriage of someone close to you. A social impact, e.g., how you felt on 9/11, or when Paris was arrested, however “deep” you want to go.

Think of the biggies, (if they apply) first kiss, job (and how shocking it is to see how much is taken out in taxes and such).

Someone you know going to Iraq. The world is your oyster. Good luck.