A few days ago

I need help on my Project.?

My teacher gave us a project and I need to decide on what to do. The project is….

you need to demonstrate or show something like

-how to make brownies

-how to feed a baby

-how to do a trick

you know something like that but those were just examples anyway you get 5 minutes. You have to have a speech on how to do it and you need to show it too. You can’t bring any sharp objects(school rules). So if you have any good ideas please tell me :]


Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Make a PB&J samwich.

You can discuss how they make both PB and Jam and the different types of each.

Make a chart or graph.

Make the samwich[ with a spoon- if necessary ]



A few days ago
how about repairing a wall after someone inadvertently puts a beer (or if your still in highschool) or a soda bottle through it. This was done in one of my classes back in the today, and with the right speech it can be hilarious.

You need:

plaster of paris

putty knife (it’s not sharp)


a little paint

a soda bottle (glass)

a small portion of a wall (1ft by 1ft)