A few days ago

i need a good news story idea?

i have to think of a good story for a fake news show. i want it to be funny or interesting, but i cant really think of anything. help please? and if you can, more than one story idea?

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

There’re lotsa interesting stories out there, most of which aren’t even real. If you’re familiar with “All Your Base Are Belong To Us”, you can do a report on the huge number of sightings of said message all over the world (there’re plenty of ‘shopped pictures you can use), and make interesting conjectures as to some conspiracy theory, possibly involving aliens and/or Michael Jackson.

Alternatively, you can do something on some fictional worldwide pandemic, and conduct interviews with enlisted “eyewitnesses” (preferably paid) as to symptoms and stuff like that. Make it interesting, dramatic, and news-worthy; that’s all I’m saying =/

Hope that helps =)


A few days ago
Squeegee Beckingheim 🙂
Chupacabras have migrated here from Mexico and have broken into the blood bank at the hospital!! (Research “chupacabras”. You’ll know what I’m talking about.)

86-year-old German man accidentally glued to his roof while putting up new shingles.

Teacher attacked by student with a carrot peeler after being given a D.


A few days ago
6 mutant rats reaped president bush last night after here loud sounds coming from the white house the police came and found president bush smoking a cigar

A few days ago
live as u dream

A huge company that has genetically altered seeds and is destroying the earth…People are not aware!