A few days ago

I’m writing a report on Sacco-Vanzetti case (took place around 1920s). Which tense do i use?

I think it’s should be past tense, but i remember hearing my english teacher say something about how if it’s written in a book or history, it has to be in present tense. I don’t know. English is my weakest subject. Please help me.

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Literary Present Tense. ALWAYS

You should never write an analytical paper in past tense. If you are just sumearizing what happened ( which you shouldn’t be doing if it is a report), past tense is fine, but any kind of formal report should ALWAYS be in literary present tense.

You do not need to write from the perspective of anyone from that time. You should be talking about HOW things are affected by the event, and that can easily be in LP.


A few days ago
Hi cat, English is my 3 rd language, but I have to say it all

goes back to how you want the reader to feel, There is no law on what tense you should use, Write it just like you want to presented, (story, essay, play, ext). Hope this helps you.


A few days ago
Try this website:


It has information about when to use present and past tense verbs.

Hope it helps! Good luck with your report!


A few days ago
It would have to be past tense if it happened in the past. It’s NOT happening now, so it can’t be present. Unless you do it from the standpoint of actually being there to witness the trial and such.