A few days ago

I’m stuck! In need of a problem facing communities…?

Okay, folks! I have officially become stuck.

I’m finishing up an online course, and there was a question, that pretty much asked:

Write ONE paragraph about a problem facing your community or state and how you would solve it.

I started to write about drug use, but that just seems too big for one paragraph, you know. I’m in needof something smaller, but I don’t want something trivial, like, “the park is dirty.”

Any ideas?

Thank you!

Top 8 Answers
A few days ago
Tad W

Favorite Answer

One that I’m involved with: How can equalize our funding for school construction so we can divide our overly large school districts without adversly impacting the property taxes to build new schools on the side that is experiencing rapid population growth? We need to balance the need for small, locally controlled school districts with equalization of construction funding, control of growth, and decide who should pay how much to effect the split.

A few days ago
hey how about the percentages of teenage pregnancy on the rise? u can get lots of info from planned parenthood and maybe speak to one gir and write about her alone….or u can write about how big the gay community has gotten where u r compared to 20 years ago……or even interracial coupling and how much bigger that has gotten since 20 years ago!!!!

so thats three…if not these then these might just give u an idea of ur own….good luck!!!!


A few days ago
Go with drug use.

There’s an easy answer no matter how you feel:

Legalize it and decrease sales/increase control


Harshen punishments to discourage users


A few days ago
What about speeding problems?

I know my community has problems with people speeding. You could suggest putting speed bumps and cameras on the road.


A few days ago
Davis W
You could still use drug use but choose a narrowed group like drug use in teens, drug use in pregnancy, etc.

A few days ago
kimberly M
Maybe litter…or helping the elderly…..people needing volunteers

A few days ago
moo man
smaller u say? umm….. taxes, law enforcement, poverty, education, crime, litter, or health care. u can pretty much find anything u want to complain about.

A few days ago

pet over-population




city transit service – either how to make it better or to get it going in your town