A few days ago

I have to write a story in the first person using direct and indirect charactizationPLEZ HLP1st answer gets10p

I am confused because all of the examples I saw for indirect and direct characterization were not in first person. They were by a narrator who was not in the anecdote. But I think our teacher said we have to write this story using “I” so its in the first person. But in that case, how can I directly characterize the other two characters?

At this point, I have looked up all points of view online, including first person narrative, “third person omniscient”, “third person limited”, “Second person”, and even “fourth person”. All these have made me even more confused.

Some examples would be great. Also, if you could suggest which point of view I should use that would be great


Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

If you write “I was born in 1985, I’m tallish, brown-eyed and have curly hair”, that’s a first person sentence with direct characterization.

If you write “At the door, I bumped into my little sister. You could tell she had no fashion sense by the way she dressed. Her facial expression was vacant, and her posture showed that she knew she would never live up to the example I had set her”, that’s first person narrator indirect characterisation showing your narrator is an arrogant, vain person who’s full of herself.