A few days ago

I have a question…? Please help me quick…?

I need to have a list of similarities between Brave New World and the present day American society. Please help paper is due tomorrow! ):`

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

How about the rise of eugenics? Are we really so far from it being a fact of life? In BNW, traits are handpicked for each child. This is a real possibility today- doctors are perfectly able to manipulate a soon-to-be child’s genes to control eye-color, hair-color…athletic ability…see the trend? Even if we’re not constructed on assembly lines yet, plenty of people are born in vitro, which is only one step away.

Another point you might want to make (if it’s not too late) is the increasing sexual licentiousness of the race as a whole- particularly in America. As is evident in everything from locker room conversations to popular TV shows, marriage is seldom a precurser to sexual relations, anymore. On that note, tracking the media over the last few decades reveals a steady decline in…well, decency. Even PG matinee TV shows are relatively explicit, these days.

Attention spans are shrinking, as well. Our news is fed to us in ten-second segments on TV programs and internet sites. Weren’t the BNW characters like that, as well? Unable to stay focused; impatient for immediate stimulus? This is also evident in the decline of literature’s popularity. Before television, Internet, etc., the bulk of information had to be painstakingly gleaned from books. I did a project on Neil Postman’s “Amusing Ourselves to Death” last, year, which focused largely on this. In fact, if you continue discussing this topic, I recommend that book.

Another similarity is drug use. Like “soma”, the way to solve problems in America increasingly seems to be pill-popping. Drugs abound, whether legal or illegal, prescription-strength or OTC, in a national attempt to cure anything- from depression to obesity- with a pill.

I hope this helps…and that it’s not too late!

P.S.- Go class of 2008!


A few days ago
what’s brave new world?

the place christopher columbus discovered? oh it’s some old novel

I haven’t even heard of it before lol

here, for the guy below me:


“..humanity is carefree, healthy and technologically advanced. Warfare and poverty have been eliminated and everyone is permanently happy. The irony is that all of these things have been achieved by eliminating many things that humans consider to be central to their identity — family, culture, art, literature, science, religion, and philosophy. It is also a hedonistic society, deriving pleasure from promiscuous sex and drug use, especially the use of soma, a powerful drug taken to escape pain and bad memories through hallucinatory fantasies. Additionally, stability has been achieved and is maintained via deliberately engineered and rigidly enforced social stratification.”

—blurb from wikipedia…

so.. present day American society… everything is just the opposite, war, hobos on the street, technology not advanced, everything not settled, people are not carefree, we are all alert and aware that we may be hit by a nuclear bomb any second now, no one is healthy, diseases, syndromes, and suffering are widespread, less than 0.01% of the U.S. population is hedonistic, BUT we’ve still got the family thing going, family days, family bike ride, mass family worshiping and no dinner in the process, ..incest..

and we don’t use soma or some drug to erase bad memories, instead, we have a method called committing suicide

that’s all I have using the blurb…lol


A few days ago
The way that the citizens are treated. If you’re born into a rich family then you’re already the “Alpha Male” as you have everything that society craves.

Sorry, haven’t read it for ages but that sticks out in my mind.


A few days ago
What the hell is “Brave New World”, LOL! Sounds like something offa Pocahontas.

A few days ago
i have no idea