A few days ago

i have a question for homework12?

there is this one question i have for homework and i need help would you help me? the question is Where did leonardo spend his last years? if you can help me that would be great please help thanks in advanced got to go bye

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

King Francis I. invited Leonardo da Vinci to spend the last span of life in Amboise at the court of France. In autumn 1516 Leonardo arrived in Amboise. In his baggage was the famous painting Mona Lisa.

Leonardo lived in Amboise in the small castle Cloux which is now called Le Clos Luce. This castle is situated between the town and the king castle

In France Leonardo didn’t paint, but he made hydrological studies.

Leonardo died on 2 May 1519 in Amboise. At this time Leonardo da Vinci was 67 years old. His state of health was not the best, because Leonardo had a paralysis on the right side of his body since 1517.


A few days ago
Leornardo? One of the teen age mutant ninja turtles?

If you mean da vinci, I would suggest a quick wikipedia search to discover the answer.


A few days ago
Loretta D
in France.