A few days ago

How to solve this word problem?

1.In 1960,the life expectancy of Filipino males 51 years,while in 1970 it was 55 years.

a.) Write E, the life of expectancy,as a linear function of t, the number of years since 1960. [Hint: Use(0,51) and (10,55) as data points]

b.)Use the equation in (a) to predict the life expectancy of males in 2010.

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago
Steve B

Favorite Answer

a) The form of a linear equation is…

y = mx + c

where m is the gradient (slope) of the line and c is the y intercept (where the line cuts the y axis or what y is when x is 0).

Your problem asks you to create a similar equation (in terms of E and t).

E = mt + c

The gradient is given by dy/dx (the change in y / the change in x). Since you know two points on the line (0,51) and (10,55), you can calculate the gradient (m).

(55 – 51) / (10 – 0) = 4/10 or 0.4

(change in y) / (change in x)

So we have…

E = 0.4t + c

c is what y will be when x is 0. We know the point (0, 51) so c will be 51. So your final linear equation is…

E = 0.4t + 51

b) We need to know life expectancy in 2010 (or 50 years after 1960) so substitute 50 in for t to get E…

E = 0.4 * 50 + 51

E = 20 + 51

E = 71

So, assuming (and that’s a very big assumption) that life expectancy in Filipino males grows linearly, men in the Phillippines will be living to 71 on average by 2010.

Hope that makes sense!!


A few days ago
E = 0.4 t + 51

2010, t = 50

E = 71


A few days ago
>< dunno