A few days ago
Miss Twix

how has technology helped us?

need by thursday please

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Space technology:

A new navigation tool to help blind and partially sighted people find their way around city streets is about to be tested under a new European project. The handheld device uses advanced European Space Agency (Esa) satellite technology to locate and guide pedestrians in real-time over a wireless internet connection.

Technology helps Parents track kids:

New cell phones and ID chips help parents keep a virtual eye on their children anytime, anywhere.

LED Technology:

The science and technology that astronauts use to heal flesh wounds they receive while circling Earth could soon help the rest of us gravity-bound humans when we have persistent injuries that won’t heal. Light-emitting diodes, otherwise known in NASA lingo as LEDs – originally developed for NASA Space Shuttle plant growth experiments – have been found to be helpful in speeding up healing in outer space when astronauts got injured. Now doctors in certain parts of the country are beginning to experiment with them for the treatment of persistent wounds in hospitals, especially in patients that have chronic wounds and sores from chemotherapy and radiation.

chk this site if you need more info:



A few days ago
Anything new to the market is “technology”… have you flipped a light switch today??? That gives you light… that helps… have you made a phone call today??? Then you were able to contact someone not in shouting range… thats helpfull… how about a bus/car… did you travel in one of thoes today… well then you did not have to walk. Technology is all around us not just in new things like computers and ipods. Think about what kind of technology you need to talk about… and what your teacher is really asking you before you start working on your paper.

A few days ago
technology has helped us by surpassing the primitive style of how we do things. for example, a mechanical fishing net has helped us just put it in the water and wait, rather than to make a fishing net ourselves and fish closely to the ocean which puts us at risk. machines are now automated to build: tv’s computers, ect. technology helped us surpass into greater lengths on the way we live.

A few days ago
im here
Technology is helping you get millions of people world-wide do your homework for you.

A few days ago
We get to communicate via this amazing forum. The internet has opened doors in learning and communicating for almost everyone exposed to it.

A few days ago
Cherry Darling
It has helped humans produce more innovative ways of destroying our world.

A few days ago
I am a big fan of electricity and indoor plumbing.