A few days ago
Miss Granger

How does the extinction of animals affect me and humanity in general ?

I know the extinction is horrible but is it really dangerous for humans ? soon ?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

99.9% of all species of animals that have ever existed on earth are already extinct!

There are already a few species of human that are now extinct.


A few days ago
Is it really horrible? Who says so and can they prove it? Except for samples in research labs, the smallpox virus has been made extinct on this planet. This was not due to normal loss of habitat, but is due to a concerted effort on the part of humans to kill it off. I don’t think forcible extinction of smallpox is horrible. We’re targeting the polio virus now and trying to eradicate it the same way we did smallpox. As a polio survivor, I hope we do it.

Saying extinction of a species is horrible is stating a serious event in too broad terms. You must be more specific. Extinction of all elephants is horrible, but will it affect the world as a whole? Extinction of all ants would be horrible. You may argue that you’d rather have elephants than ants, but ants perform a real service in garbage disposal. How about extinction of eagles versus extinction of seagulls? No more eagles would be a tragedy, but if our coastlines were waist deep in refuse, you’d really miss the seagulls more.

When you consider that Los Angeles was the playground of the sabre tooth cat, are you really sorry that they’re extinct? Seriously, you don’t want to be going out to fetch the newspaper and have one of those kitties jump you.

Extinction of a species is a serious matter, but it’s not horrible unless mankind causes it through thoughtlessness. Even then, it may not affect the balance of nature. Do we really miss the flocks of passenger pigeons and do do birds? I don’t think so.

Causing extinction of a species is not to be taken lightly, but we need to step back and take stock. Our real aim is the continuation of our own species. Taking care of the animals of the Earth is not for their sakes, but for our own. Preventing extinction is not the goal; preserving the balance in nature is much more important. If bringing a species back from the brink of extinction is in our own best interests, we should fight whatever is causing the problem. Sometimes, the cost of the fight is not worth the effort.