A few days ago
♥ღ…∂αηg3яσυѕℓу ιη ℓσν3…ღ♥

How does it stay alive?

I want to know how the tree stays alive?

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Like the human body a tree needs food and water. If you water a tree or it rains it gets it water and te fertilizer you place around and soil is its food

A few days ago
It leaves before the lumber jacks get there – lol

Seriously – (in simple terms)

The roots of the tree pull water and nutrients from the soil. The leaves contain chlorophyll which not only make them green, but convert carbon dioxide and water by using the sun to by a process called Photosynthesis. The tree does this to get food nutrients. Remove the water, leaves (in summer), carbon dioxide or sun and the tree will die.

****Will B**** Very nice but I bet ya 20 bucks you lost her 1/4 way in – LOL


A few days ago
Will B
All living things need food (a source of Carbon, Hydrogen, Hydrogen, and Nitrogen (CHON) as well as trace elements), water, and respiration to fuel their metabolism. You can starve, dehydrate, or asphyxiate. You can also break down as an organism, from disease, and yes trees get diseases, from injury, or from aging. Trees also need sunlight for photosynthesis (which is why they are green), nutrients (food) they get through their roots and water they mostly get from their roots. They also get their carbon from Carbon Dioxide (CO2) that they break down into C and O using photosynthesis. The ‘exhale’ O2, that we breath.

A few days ago
By a process called photo synthesis. The plant takes in sunlight and turns it into nutrition by using the chloroplasts in the plant’s cell.

A few days ago
♥♥ §íÑ ♥♥
Read A book about it

A few days ago
You could go ask a teacher. Or ask a scientist. It’s wayyyyy easy to answer this, but you should know. 🙂

A few days ago
Underground Man
What do you mean?