A few days ago

How do you write a conclusion for an essay?

i was told to summarize the key points, re-assert the thesis statement and add in opinions in possible.

but how do you do that?

what structure does a conclusion follow?

Top 9 Answers
A few days ago
Marty B

Favorite Answer

Think of the summary as your opportunity to summarize the main points that you were trying to spell out in your essay.

This is your chance to say “based on the evidence I just provided, this is what you, the reader, should think/do” (though not in those words.

Use whatever format best gets your point across, but one structure may be (again, not in these words):

I. In the paragraphs above, I demonstrated …. (summarize)

II. All of this evidence leads me to the conclusion… (re-assert the thesis)

III. I feel that if people understood this, then… (opinions – if appropriate)

Hope that helps.


5 years ago
You know there are 3 main parts of an essay, right? The Introduction comes first. Then the main body or argument comes next. Then the conclusion comes last. Well, when you think about those three parts, don’t try to do them in the order they are usually written in an essay. Do the main body first because that’s where you write all the important stuff you want to tell people. Then go back and do the introduction and conclusion because the intro and conclusion both depend on what you have put in the main body. Here’s how it goes: In the INTRODUCTION, you TELL THEM WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO TELL THEM. So it should say something like, “In this essay I am going to outline how to write a great essay.” In the MAIN BODY, you TELL IT TO THEM. So it will have a whole load of paragraphs about how to write a great essay. In the CONCLUSION, you TELL THEM WHAT YOU HAVE JUST TOLD THEM. So it should say something like, “In this essay I have discussed the three best method for writing a great essay. If you follow these instructions well, you can get an A grade every time.” I have done 5 degrees in my life and I have used this simple outline for practically every essay I ever wrote. Good luck.

A few days ago
galeda w
A conclusion needs to summarize all the topic sentences in the essay as well repeat your hook and thesis without using the same exact words.

A few days ago
Precious Gem
A summary is to go back over what you have already

stated but only touch on the main theme of your thesis. Adding your opinion is a way to support

your thesis with your own point of view.

Example: By not destroying the landscape we will

always be assured to have butterflies to marvel and enjoy. The world will always be a better place when

touched by the beauty of a butterfly.


A few days ago
John M
I would recommend that you assume that the reader has read the introduction of your essay and only skimmed the body of it. Give them the most important points, and add in something that gives the conclusion that feel of an editorial summation. Its more than a recitation of facts, but includes the final analysis as well.

Good luck with your essay!


A few days ago
ok.. so like a conclusion sums up the whole paper. If you have no idea wat I just said… well it is one paragraph at the end of your essay. You just take some of the statements from each paragraph and include it but make sure that it kinda flows. Not like “She has a dad. Her dad is nice. He has brown hair.” thats kinda choppy. So u want it like “Her dad is nice and has brown hair.” like u want it to sound right. soo just kinda conclude your essay. Wrap the whole deal up in the last parragraph.. Summarize

A few days ago
the conclusion would be the end of your essay, the point u were trying to make overall. like your opinion basically of what u have written

A few days ago
never bring in a new point to argument in your conclusion, its just a few lines closing what youve stated, whether you agree or disagree or are neutral in the situation and why. you dont need the write loads but be careful what you put.

A few days ago
Liberal & Proud!
restate what you said in the beginning of your introduction, then state the main point of each paragraph, then wrap it up with an “open for discussion” type ending.