A few days ago
j-g v

how do you perceive nursing?

ei guys.. i have a thesis about how you perceive nursing.. say things about student nurse..

1)what must be their qualities?

2) a nursing student for you is..?

3) what can you say about nursing as a career…

please guys, i need your answers.. it will be a big help for me…

kindly write ur full name and the school u attend..

thanx in advance.. GodBless!

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

1. a nurse must be kind, caring and compassionate to all patients under his/her care and must be willing to help all patients no matter what their age and be unbiased to all patients.

2. a nusing student is well educated and cares about the needs of other.

3. i can say nursing as a career is not for everyone and for those who are nurses they have genuine hearts and shoulld probably be paid more than what they are currently getting paid as i know it is not enough considering thier heavy workloads.


A few days ago
Just to start off by saying I am a student nurse.

1) A student nurse must be devoted. I spend 8 hours at school 5 days per week and then spend 8-10 hours home everyday studying.

A student nurse must be passionate about helping others.

2) Being a student nurse I can say that “a nursing student for me is someone who is looking beyond themselves….who works hard…..faces situations others would run away from…and still smiles at everyone they come in contact with

3) Nursing as a career is absolutely not for everyone. In fact because of the increase in disease over the past 20 years the people entering the nursing industry has dropped almost 30%. We are in a high stress, high burnout, highly dangerous job. Nurses are the backbone of the medical community. They hold up the doctors and surgeons and work along side the nurse aids and still love being with and helping their patients. It is definitely a career that you either love or want nothing to do with.

Alisha Lopez

Keiser University – Florida