A few days ago

how do u converts fractions into decimals,?



and two and two tenths

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

1) 71 as a fraction is 71/100, if its a whole number i is always over 100, so its just 71 divided by 100=


2) divide top number by the bottom so 7 divided by 10

= 0.7

3) 2 2/10 is kinda more complicated, you times the 1st 2 by the bottom number which is 10 so you have 20, then add the 20 to the top number and you get 22 which as a fraction would look like 22/10 so then 22 divided by 10

= 2.2

with the additional note: i think it might be 71 and 7/10 so like the 2 and 2/10 you do the same procedure. so it should come out to be 717/10 then as a fraction 71.7


A few days ago
Take the fraction first… divide the top number by the bottom number ( 7 divided by 10 = .7) then add it to the whole number (.7 + 71 = 71.7). So your second question would be 2.2. If fractions confuse you, you should buy a calculator. You are not alone, and that’s what they’re there for! 🙂

A few days ago
If you have a calculator just divide the top number by the bottom number. So if you have 7/10 you get .7, so it would be 71.7 Then for two and two tenths you would get 2.2. Look at the line in the fraction as a division sign, it makes it less scary for me!

A few days ago
divide the top number by the bottom number of a fraction. Like in that, divide 7 by 10.

A few days ago
The old man
divide the bottom number into the top number

i.e.: 7/10 means divide 10 into 7 goes 0


10 into 70 goes 7

answer 0.7

2+2/10 convert to fraction

22/10 .. use same procedure

10 into 22 = 2 plus 2 over



A few days ago
7/10 would be 0.7 because for every 0 in the 10 u move the decimal to the left one. so for example if it was 7/100, it would be .07

A few days ago
10 divided by 7.00