A few days ago

How do I start this essay and make it interesting?

I have to write an autobiographical essay on an event or relationship that has changed my life. I’m going to write it on my best friend. How should I start it off?

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Here’s a way to get your essay to have a great beginning and ending. Write about 7 paragraphs. Then cross out the first one and the last one! Then fix them up so that they make sense, edit for grammar, etc. Many people don’t really start writing well until after they first 1/4 of what they have written.

A few days ago
Dr. D
Here’s how you’d start it off…

Growing up is tough. I mean, just look at the pressures a young girl has to endure as she becomes a teenager. You’d think that making good grades in school would be the most important thing in life, but I’m telling you that doesn’t even come close. Who am I, and am I happy with the person I see reflected in the mirror. Now that matters. Who will not only accept me the way I am, but also help me to become the kind of person I want to be. Yes, I’m going to tell you about my best friend and why she makes a difference in my life.


A few days ago
Laid Back Larry
One possible interesting start for your essay:

I plunged the knife into her stomach. The noise she made was not a scream. It was a noise like a wild animal disemboweled but still alive. It was a primal howl loud enough to hurt my ears and vile enough to send my stomach contents burning through my oesophagus and out of my mouth, my diaphram convulsing violently. What had I done? She had been the best friend I ever had and now, on a whim, a silly jealous outburst I had ended it.

I looked to her. She still moved but silently now. She was shaking. Brownish blood oozed thickly from her mouth. There was a smell, sickly and sweet. My own stomach was stabbed by my love for her, my friend, my soul mate. I knew death would soon come to her, and mine would soon follow. I couldn’t let myself live with what I had done to her.

Close, so close but unseen another presence stirred, awakened by the drama so violently playing out next to where it slept. It had been asleep for millennia but now a solitary thought moved through it’s great, alien brain. A dissonance had appeared in the perfect harmony of the multidimensional universe in which it dwelt, a dissonance which had to be removed, an error which had to be corrected.

…. over to you.


A few days ago
Start with a quotation. There are resources on-line and a lot of books. Find a quote that is appropriate for your essay, note the author, and that will probably help with your inspiration.

A few days ago
You might pick an outstanding feature about your friend and use it as an opening….

“She had flaming red hair and green eyes that seemed to look right into your soul”……

or……”A good friend is like an emerald colored summer day, but Jenny (or whoever) is like a chain of gems of every color of nature.”

Sentences like this make people want to read on to see what made your friend so special.

Good luck with your essay.


A few days ago
I am going to write about my best friend blah blah.

You will find out why I consider her my best friend

shes been beautified as a saint

she carries me to school

she does all my work

shes ugly and that make s me look better

Her family…..things she likes……

and she saved my life climbing the matterhorn

My family……they like her too

If you ever meet her you wil see what I mean. she likes everyone, especially the football team

shes on the football team


A few days ago
We need to know your grade level, whether you are in middle school, high school, or college.

However, I would probably start with a very poignant anecdote about your friend.


A few days ago
Joel Z
What level of schooling are you at? Because it would be MUCH different for an 8th grader and a college student.

A few days ago
i would start off with a story that illustrates why this is your best friend. be very descriptive. this will help draw your readers in and be interested in reading about your friend.

5 years ago
God cut the cheese again.