A few days ago

How do I do this math problem “Solve the inequalty 6 +3y<4(3-x) for y and graph the solution.?

I have to put it on a coordinate grid but I’m not sure if what else.

(P.S. anyone know good wevsites to help with Algebra 2?)

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
Nima J

Favorite Answer

6 +3y < 4(3-x) 6 + 3y < 12 - 3x (divide by 3) 2 + y < 4 - 4x/3 y < 2 - 4x/3 now draw y=2- 4x/3 this line split the x-y plane .then suppose one point like (0,0), if this can be described by y < 2 - 4x/3 , then that split that contains (0,0) is your answer.

4 years ago
those lines, y=-x+6 and y=-x+3 are parallel lines. The slopes of those lines is -a million. So the attitude with which those lines intersect the x axis is -40 5 degree (tan -40 5 = -a million). in case you provide the fee 0 for x in the two those equations, y = 6 and y = 3, respectively. for this reason, those lines intersect the y axis at 6 and 3, respectively.