A few days ago

How do I analyse it..?

I had a conversation with a non-native speaker-in english….and for my english project, i have to analyse it grammatically. I have already talked about how she has used the wrong tense in couple of areas. What other grammaticl things should I look out for??


Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Diction, that is word choice, is a biggie, but you may have to be sensitive to have an ear for it. Not all native speakers can point out what I’m suggesting here. It really is a skill.

Foreigners, particularly well-educated ones, can use “big” words incorrectly. They can litter their sentences with words like RELEVANT or COHESION and misuse these words. In helping foreigners to write better, I usually try to get them to simplify their sentences.

Foreigners can also use idioms correctly but almost comically. They might throw in “kick the bucket” in a serious context. When they jam in too many idioms it can sound off to us natives. Time flies, a bird in the hand, that sort of thing.

Russians don’t use definite articles and will omit them. Indefinite too, if I’m not mistaken. I’ve caught Iranians–who speak Persian or Farsi–also doing this.


A few days ago
my 2 cents
Consider the order of the words. Many languages place adjectives after the noun as opposed to English which tends to place the adjective before the noun.

Also you might find verbs placed in unusual positions.

Another thing that tends to occur is that non native speakers may use the ‘ing’ ending in odd ways.


A few days ago
With out hearing the speaker it is a little hard to tell, Did she pronounce word correctly.and distinct? Did her sentences run on each other? Was she loud enough so every one could hear her?

A few days ago
How about the use of singulars and plurals? “I like many show”.

Maybe the order of words? Maybe sayings that don’t translate well?