A few days ago

How did public speaking develop and who are the four runners of public speaking?

How did public speaking develop and who are the four runners of public speaking?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Public speaking [speech making] probably dates back to ancient Athena [Athens] during the time of the democracy [republic].

Demosthenes – Greek Orator Demosthenes-Demosthenes became one of ten official Athenian orators. As official orator he warned against Philip of Macedon, when he was beginning his conquest of …


Chares of Athens – Wikipedia, He is mentioned by Arrian among the Athenian orators and generals whom Alexander required to be surrendered to him in 335 BC, though he was afterwards …


You can see from the last site just how important orators were. So much so in fact, that the Great Alexander himself could not put up with them – so much for democracy then and Alexander’s part in it.

Remember – Socrates was a great orator – read his Apology and know just how great. He died for his belief in democracy and free speech.

There are several versions of Socrates Apology – try this one : –

Socrates Apology Several persons who assisted in the court upon this occasion, besides Plato, drew up the Apology of Socrates. Among the rest Xenophon compiled one from the …



A few days ago
Modern public speaking as we know it started in ancient Greece. Greek orators would sometimes use memory tricks like the placement of different things in their homes linked to each next thought they wanted to share. This would allow for logical and orderly presentation.

They would then take a mental tour of their home, furnishing by furnishing and share their thoughts. Of course their speech started…”in the first place…” And this explains the thought we hear so often today although many do not know its origins.

However, the first public speaking actually happened much earlier in mans history. When Moses spoke to the Eygptians and later to the nation assembled on the bank prior to the parting of the waters would probably be the first recorded public speaking.

Hope this helps.


A few days ago

Here you will find a lot of socuments about public speaking
