A few days ago

how can i participate more in class?

how can i participate more in class?

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago
Greg B

Favorite Answer

The best way is to be prepared to answer any question. And maybe let your teacher know that you would like to be called on (this would work especially well if there was a time that you did not listen or do homework, then your teacher might think you are trying to imrpove, and not show off). This means you should listen attentively, do the required homework, and learn and know the material that is being covered, not just skim through it all. One of the best ways for people to learn is to say the material out loud, i.e., answering questions and asking questions in class. If you are just reading the book or writing notes, it won’t sink in as well. I sometimes used to read my notebook out loud (at home) so that I could remember it better.

A few days ago
This depends on the particular class. This question should be answered by the teacher that facilitates the class because it is his/her expectations that will give you the grade. Every teacher determines participation differently a great tip is to speak to your given teacher before the class or during their preparation period so that you can guage your performance. If the teacher has a point system find our if there is a grade tracking sheet for students to determine how you are doing. Teachers prefer to deal with situations to improve rather than detract in the learning. Providing and seeking additional information alsways helps both sides.

A few days ago
Ask questions. Go to class with some questions prepared to ask. Sometimes asking is better than answering, and it will get you started with participating without having to think of things to say on the spur of the moment. As you get more comfortable with speaking in class, you will probably be more comfortable with answering as well as asking.

A few days ago
Miss M
Each week set a goal for yourself. For instance, say to your- self, “I will raise my hand everyday in math this week.” Once you have accomplished this small goal, work your way towards a larger goal: “I will raise my hand in math everyday and in history three times this week.” As you build up, you will notice that raising your hand becomes easier.

Raise your hand when you feel comfortable with answering the question, but don’t be afraid to put yourself out there by answering a challenging question. The worst you can be is wrong, and then you’ll have the benefit of learning from a mistake.

Good luck!


A few days ago
You can become an active listener. There is a trick that I know of. When the teacher is talking, nod your head and stroke your chin. This body language will make the teacher think that you are listening.

A few days ago
Raise your hand and offer an answer.

A few days ago
Raise your hand and answer questions.