A few days ago

How can I become popular at my new school?

I used to be really fat and ugly, I lost a lot of weight and got highlights and lots of other things.

So how do I become really popular?

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

ok first of all survey all of the people in the school make sure you figure out whose popular and who’s not. Since you haven’t made very many friends yet the popular people will be nice to you. make one good friend out of all of them and then you’ll imediately be sitting with them at lunch which will give you a good chance to make more populare friends. Try it it’s an almost garente. But remeber don’t not talk to the unpopulars just don’t get attached because then you’ll be asked to sit with them and it’ll be hard to tell them that you’d rather sit with more popular people.

A few days ago
It can be really hard at a new school without knowing many people, but you could become popular real easy. I am pretty poupular at my school and know some great advie!First join a club or sports team you would enjoy! This way you can meet people that enjoy the same things you do! Always be nice to everyone! One person could turn every one against you!! Find a good friend to introuduce you to people! Never have a certain amount of friends!! Don’t think you are better than every one! And don’t wait for the other person to introuduce them self, introduce yourself first!! If someone is being mean kill them with kindess and find something you two share and see the positives in people! Good luck! Email me on what happens!

A few days ago
Well dont completely change, thats for sure. You still want to be you!! But-

Makeup: For me its about working with what you have.. Highlight your best features(ex: eyes=mascara and eyeliner) Dont go overboard!!! Less is more

Hair- Try out new styles, have fun with it!!! Go crazy.. You might get a few strange looks, but you want people to notice you right?

Clothes- Dont go spend a ridiculous amount of money on clothes.. Again work with what you have.. Pretty much dress your own way, but try out trends, whateva…

FRIENDS- This is a big one!!! Hang out with people who have similar intrests but be nice to everyone. Be outgoing confident and cool. Confidence says it all though. Have you ever heard someone say that someone “lights up the room?” Try to be like that!!! Thats a good quality.

Dont go overboard, be who YOU are. Other people will come naturally.


A few days ago
Sweetie, it doesn’t matter what you look like on the outside, if you don’t have Self Confidence and believe in yourself neither will anyone else.

I do know though you don’t want to be a Gossip and you don’ want to talk to much about yourself. Be a good Listener. Be out going but not to where it becomes annoying to others. Most important like some of the others have said JUST BE YOURSELF. If they want to be your friend then They will.


A few days ago
popular is relative. do what u luv to do ect. sports, acting, acedemics… from doing that, u will gather people because u have similar interests and those kind of people get along very well.

if you try to be someone ur not, it might work, but then the pwople who would be ur “friends” wouldnt actually be freinds with u, but rather the person they think u r.

plus, u could never be close to them because u couldnt be urself


A few days ago
Be confident and charming, outgoing, and aim for top of the class…..and if that doesnt work you can either rebel against the teachers or sell weed. It all depends on who you want to impress. You wont be popular with everybody no matter how hard you try.

A few days ago
Look just be you!!!!!! I am in college about to graduate and now high school doesn’t matter you will see the most popular people at time end up being the losers later………. look at the big picture when you change things on you or about you do it for you not for popularity people will always find error in you……if you live trying to be popular and accepted you won’t be ………………………..Just be you and worry about school and your future if popularity comes then good if not then still good

A few days ago
♫♪▓♥ςωεετ & ςοϋr♥▓♫♪
be urself. if ppl dont take you as popular WHO CARES! im sorta in the popular group. but it isnt that much fun. ppl are always trying to bring you down and everything.

talk to ppl. dont be shy, really, just be yourself

ps–you shouldnt really be worried about being popular. and if you follow what the popular kids do, ppl wont really like you anymore–theyll think your annoying and even rude!


A few days ago
no one is fat and ugly, and i doubt you were, well done for losing your weight, let me know your secret, are you popular at home, within your family, if you are, so you will be in the outside world, smile hold your head up high, be proud of yourself, for changing a drab life-style to a healthy one,

A few days ago
Who CARES about popularity? Seriously those people NEVER end up any better later in life, behind it all they all got some dumb crap they’re dealing with(drugs,drinking etc). Do you honestly want to be apart of that? Will popularity matter to you in 10 years? No.No.

Seriously who cares…..

Be yourself and don’t change for other people