A few days ago

honors chem summer assignment separations lab help!!?

we have to separate iron filings, salt, sawdust and sand using only these tools:

bunsen burner, rubber tubing, evaporating dish, beakers, filter paper, funnle, watch glass, scoopula, forceps, glass stirring rod, distilled water, wash bottle, magnet, tape, scale, wire gauze, ring stand, and zip lock bags.

we have to write a procedure for this lab.

any help is appreciated!

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

use the magnet to attract the iron filings.

after you got those out, drown the entire mixture in water and drain it through the wire gauze. this should separate out the sawdust (if it doesn’t, i’m sorry, you’ll have to figure out some other way). Then, stir to make sure the salt is dissolved. pour out the water part and let it evaporate. when the water evaporates, all that’s left is the salt.

As for the non-water part left, that’s the sand.

Hope that helps!