A few days ago


question: why does jake take the letter to the old wister postal station instead of the mailbox near him?


There was a mailbox at the next corner, and i stopped beside it. But to drop this letter into that box, knowing in advance that it could go only to the dead-letter office, would again, i couldn’t help feeling, turn the writing of it into an empty meaningless act. after a moment, i walked on past the box, crossed the street and turned right, suddenly knowing exactly where i was going.

plz i cant really understand what he is saying…anyone knows?

Top 9 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

He doesn’t want to put it in the regular mail because it’ll go to the “dead letter office” and he then said “turn the writing of it into an empty meaningless act”. By saying ‘meaningless’, it seems that using regular mail is pointless because it’s either too slow, or it isn’t special enough (he wants to deliver the letter in a special way that is better than just through generic post).

What’s the context of this? Is it an extract from a book? If so what’s the book, what’s the story etc. More information = more answers.


A few days ago
He apparently had already tried to send it by placing it in the mailbox before since it said “knowing in advance that it could go only to the ded-letter office”. Therefore he decided to walk it to the postal station himself. He said he did this because “I couldn’t help feeling, turn the writing of it into and empty meaningless act”. This statement was meaning if he placed it in the box it would become a meaningless letter because it would end up in the dead-letter office. Therefore, to make his writing worthwile he decided to walk it to the post office himself so he knew it got to the post office and will go out instead of placing it in the mailbox and ending up in the dead letter box which he had attempted before this time.

A few days ago
“dead-letter office”

I think you have never posted a letter before.

Well posting a letter will require a lot of time.

From the time the postman collects the letter + the time to sort letters + time for sending out the letters + time for the receiver to take out letter.

Dead-letter post officer means that the post officer is really really slow at posting letters or letters will just be stuck there forever. A.k.a dead-letter office.

SO directly giving the letter to the postal station is much faster and much more gurantee that the letter arrives.


A few days ago
Rick J
That’s a very poorly-written passage.

I think he suddenly made the decision to hand-deliver the letter instead of dropping it into the mailbox. If he drops it into the box, he knows it won’t reach its destination (for whatever reason), so he decides to hand-deliver it instead.


A few days ago
cuz in the postal station it would actually be sent but in the mailbox nobody would come 2 pick it up so the mail wouldn’t actually go anywhere….i think

A few days ago
if he put the leter in the mailbox, it wouldve gone to the dead letter which means it wouldnt have gotten to the adressee so he had to take it to the post office

A few days ago
Denise W
it means his letter wouldnt be delivered if he left it in the mailbox.

A few days ago
Its because he didnt want to wait for the postal office to deliver it because he thought it would take forever..I guess.

A few days ago
wow umm i am not that deep. Maybe he has some weird form of ocd that requires him not to use mailboxes.