A few days ago

Homework. Harriet Tubman. Helpp plz?

So I have to read a biography on Harriet Tubman and bring in 5 objects that made an impact on her life or that could symbolize her.

I read part of the biography [still reading it,its really hard. :/ ]

And I can’t think of ANYTHING to bring in!

Plzzz help!!

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago
Georgia Peach
1)Draw a map of Harriet’s route to freedom:

2)Show a map of the Underground Railroad routes

3)Show a red or bright cloth that if tied to the door signaled that it was a safe home to enter.

4)Print a Negro spiritual- The spirituals had double meanings, and would signal to the slaves that it was time to travel by water so as to lose the scent of their trail and to confuse slave catchers while at the same time not giving away their hidden message to any others who may have been listening.

5)Red Roses – Each rose in a vase indicated the number of fugitives hiding within a home or “station”.

6)Black Pots – If a pot was turned upside down it was not safe to enter, and if the pot was sitting right side up, it meant that it was a safe home or place to enter.

7)Musical Notes – The fugitives communicated by songs and music.

8)The North Star- her guide in the night that gave her hope and pointed her in the direction of freedom.

***Good luck on your project.



5 years ago
1) x / 12 2) 5 + s 3) 3 times 1 4) 9 – total of people 5) three more that w 6) 8 times x 9) 40 minus p I think??

A few days ago
Sorry i dont know much about her but let me read up

well u could bring in like a slave picture or a corn stalk since she worked in the feilds or stars since she follwed them just read its not to hard1


A few days ago
hummmm…sounds hard but dont worry. If you ‘ve read the bio then you should knw what kind she was! I mean was she powerful or scared or happy or eager to free slaves? Just think of it and then try to think things that go with her nature. What kind of clothes she used to wear? shabby? Then you can get shabby clothing. She was also tricky. so you can get something that is tricky and smart! =) lol with ur project!

A few days ago
she helped many african american cross up to the north. she changed their lives. i kinda forgot… but last year i saw a play on her for a field trip