A few days ago

hey can someone PLEASE help me out with debating? i hv to speak against the topic ‘results are all that matter

its my first time so pls tlel me wt to write. u can give me stats or examples or nething under teh sun. results can mean anything.. the outcome of something or grades during skl. im in 9th grade

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Think of some things that the results were really good, however, they way they came about was very bad. For example, you went skiing for the first time. The goal is to get to the bottom of the hill/mountain. If you fall and tumble down the hill to the bottom, your result is good, the way you got there… very bad.

A few days ago
Jeri C
Interesting and ironic!! Your assignment is to debate against the topic “results are all that matter”? Well, if that were true, then there would be no problem with my doing your work for you, becuase the grade is all that would matter. But, you are arguing against that topic, so you should know that there is more at stake here than just getting a grade. The process of learning the material on your own is also important, which is why I can not do your homework for you. Good luck!

A few days ago
That is like the old false argument ‘The ends justify the means’ used mostly by people justifying Lenin’s or Hitler’s massacres of their own citizens. You can refute it by pointing to historical example of what many Russian people became like during Stalin’s rule (informers, hypocrites, murderers).

If even good results are achieved by immoral means, then the results become corrupted by the process of achieving them and create other evil results.


A few days ago
What are you debating? That would be the first place to start, then just look up all information on that subject and bend the truth to your side of the story. Remember to bend the truth but not break it! otherwise your opponent will destroy you.