A few days ago

help with science homework please!!!?

i need help with science, help me please, ive tried looking these up EVERYWHERE, not even my dad knows, so help!

heres the questions i don’t get:

1.) how do the buds of an organism such as a hydra compare to the parent? (like…wtf??)

2.) how is the bear’s fur realated to homeostasis? (another wtf.)

3.) How does growth differ in single-celled organisms and those made of many cells?

thats it, if you can answer one, or all, that would help!

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

1. A hydra plant is asexual, so it is an exact copy of the parent. The parent and the offspring have almost identical buds.

2. The fur on a bear regulates the temperature in it’s body, so it can function in the cold.

2. Single celled organism do not grow as fast as multicellular organisms, they have much simpler jobs, so growth is slow.



A few days ago
1) have traces of same DNA ?? maybe idk this one really

2) bear’s fur keeps the bear’s body temp regular; homeostasis is maintaining constance in the body.

3)single cells don’t really grow.. many celled things will grow and destroy and add cells