A few days ago

HELP! with geometry problem!!!!!!!?

rayOC bisects angleAOB, rayOD bisects angleAOC, rayOE bisects angleAOD, rayOF bisects angleAOE, and rayOG bisects angleFOC.

(find the following)

If angleBOF= 120, then angleDOE=_____

If angleCOG= 35, then angleEOG= _____


Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

When you draw this out, the angles keep getting smaller and smaller (except for the last one, so leave that out for now). The smallest 2 angles are AOF and EOF, call them x. Then EOD is 2x; DOC is 4x, and COB is 8x. Add all the x’s from B to F to get angle BOF (it’s 15x). 15x = 120 so x = 120/15 = 8. Since DOE = 2x, it’s 16.

Now… OG bisects FOC which had a total of 7x so each part is 7/2 x or 3.5 x. EOG is 1x less than FOG since FOE = x making it 2.5x. Find 2.5 X 8 to get it.

This probably is confusing, tough to explain it by typing!


A few days ago
boo d
For the first question, divide AOB into 16 parts, therefore BOF is equal to 15 parts and DOE is equal to 2 parts.

For the next question, divide AOB into 32 parts, therefore COG is equal to 7 parts and EOG is equal to 5 parts.