A few days ago

Help with Accounting Homework Please?

How do i find per share of 100,000 shared of $10 par value common stock?

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Par value is a nominal value of a security which is determined by an issuer company at a minimum price

So, the par value of $10, meaning the issuer cannot issue a stock less than $10 dollars at the time of offering. But the dollar per share varies. It can be $10 or more per share.

Par value is the value, NOT PRICE, of a stock the company is offering to sell. For example: The company sells a stock of $14/share, hence the dollar you paid, the value of that stock is only $10/per share.

More example: I am the company selling a

stock with par value of $10

But the dollar per share is, for example $12.00.

The number of shares you are going to buy is 100 shares.

So, you have to pay me 100 shares x $12.00= $1,200,00.

But the value of your stock would only be $1,000.

It’s like the $200.00 is my gain which I can add to my capital.

I hope that make sense to you. Maybe you can ask your instructor to explain it to you little further and ask for examples.