A few days ago

Help with a logic problem.?

Here it is:

“The meat in burgers comes from factory farming, which involves great cruelty to the animals involved. Meat production is also incredibly wasteful: we could feed every human on earth with the grain that is fed instead to cattle to fatten them for slaughter. Also, there is fecal matter in the ground beef that goes into burgers. So you shouldn’t eat burgers.”

The book wants me to go through the argument and list and number all the propositions in the order each appears in the argument. It wants me to write out each proposition as a complete sentence, omitting any indicator words. Then, the book wants me to diagram the argument. I have already done the problem partially, but don’t understand their answer. Could someone help me with this?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

It’s called a circular logic. The argument assumes the thing it is trying to prove:

factory farming = cruelty to animals (assumption only)

Meat production is wasteful compared to grain production, we could feed more with grain production (assumption only)

fecal matter is in beef (assumption only)

Therefore we should not eat beef — why shouldn’t we, none of the above statements addresses any of the BENEFITS of eating beef.

In logic they would say the statements are not “a priori” or not necessary to the specific conclusion.

Note that it could be that all the statements are true, but no proof whether or not they are true is offered, however, they all assume eating burgers is bad.

In many commercials you see this technique. A statement is made and assumed to be true and is not questioned by the audience as to whether it is true or not.

Example: “We all know that real-estate always goes up and never in all histor has gone down in value.” Therefore you should buy my “How to Buy Real Estate Course” and retire!!!

But real-estate over the long term does go up, on the other hand human beings do not live in the long term. Real estate in the short term follows boom and bust cycles. If you happen to buy in at the beginning of a bust cycle the bank is going to foreclose when the value of the apartment building you bought exceeds the value of the mortgage.

So all you have to do is strip out all the statements and determine whether any proof is offered as to their truth and secondly you have to determine, true or not, do they have anything DIRECTLEY to do with the conclusion, are they necessary?

Your diagram will have four statements, none of which lead into the other so you can’t connect them and then an unconnected conclusion. It should also display that no facts regarding the benefits of eating burgers are given. Sorry I can’t diagram it using Answers.


A few days ago
ill try and start you off:

meat comes from factory farming

factory farming involves great cruelty to animals

meat production is wasteful

we could feed every human with the grain that is fed to cattle

grain is used to fatten cattle for slaughter

fecal matter is in ground beef

ground beef goes into burgers

you shouldnt eat burgers

im pretty sure thats the first part of it.


A few days ago
Its Your home work! You have to learn to think through each part and come to your conclusion!